Tuesday, June 15, 2010

of Galileo and the Leaning Tower

I remembered 4 years back, when I was still a secondary school student struglling with Physics, I came across a story in the textbook regarding Galileo and his famous experiment: Galileo and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. From the top of the tower, he dropped a ten pound object and a one pound object just to prove that they will fall down to the ground at the same time..

Anyway, I am neither a physicist nor an engineering student, so of course, I would not go further into details on why both items reached the ground at the same time.. XD I am only interested in visiting this tower since it is one of the wonders of the Medieval World..

*the typical tourist pose for the Leaning Tower*

I dont really understand why do most people who visit the Pisa square would spend almost 2 hours including me, taking pictures in front of the Leaning Tower and would not pay 2 euros to enter the Duomo besides it. Yes, that includes me! The Leaning Tower was actually a bell tower built to complement the Duomo next to it.. In other words, the Duomo should be the main attraction not the leaning tower. But I dont think anyone should be blamed for ignorance towards the Duomo since no one can resist striking a pose in front of a tower which leans 3.39 degrees towards southwest and due to its poor construction, does not have a proper function except acting as a tourist attraction.

*Duomo and the Leaning Tower*


Nigel said...

nice! got go up the tower?

Jacqueline said...

nope.. 8 euros to go up..But the main reason is because it was closed for renovation when we were there