Friday, June 11, 2010

Jewels of Rome

And now for the next top 5 destinations that one must visit in Rome..

HOLD ON! Before I forget, many including me thought that Vatican City is part of Rome but Vatican is a state on its own not under the influence of Rome and Italy. Odd indeed since Vatican is just another city surrounded by Rome and you do not need a passport to cross the border between Rome and Vatican City. Anyway, I will just include Vatican City in this post as well..

Number 5

San Giovanni in Laterano
This church was dedicated to John the Baptist and John the Evangelist and is one of the four main basilicas in Rome. The most important part, it is the first church to be built in Rome! I would say that this cathedral is different from the other cathedrals that I have been to in UK and Ireland. The reason?? I dont know why but everything about this church from the huge statues of Christ and the 12 apostles to the marble paved ceiling and floor attracted me. =)

*Note the bronze plated ceiling*

Number 4

Palatine Hill & Circus Maximus
Located just next to each other, they are part of the Ancient Rome and according to Myth, there is a cave on Palatine Hill where Romulus and Remus (Rome's twin founders) were found by the she-wolf that saved them.

As for Circus Maximus, it was said to be the world's first entertainment venue where shows were held for the Romans.

Number 3

Forum Romanum
This is part of the Ancient Rome where all the old and important structures are located including Rome's oldest shrines and temples, the ancient Senate House where the High Court met, etc.. I would say those of you who enjoy history will love this place or else you will be suffering because Romans are so good at preserving the historical sites that the pathways are so rocky and as the wind blows, I felt like I was in Sahara Desert with all the dust around me..

*and here lies Julius Caesar*

Number 2

Vatican City
Headed by the Pope, Vatican it the world's smallest sovereign state but it manages to get into my list of one of my favourite holiday destinations. I would recommend one to stay full day in Vatican because every single corner and every street in Vatican is worth exploring besides the three main sites; St.Peter's Basilica, Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. I wouldnt elaborate too much on Vatican because I am sure most fo you would like to see the greatness of Vatican yourself. Note: I had my confession in St.Peter's Basilica. =)

*the beautified remains of one of the Popes*

*Michaelangelo's masterpiece in Sistine Chapel*
Number 1

Of course, synonym to the Rome, a visit to Rome is not complete without a visit to themagnificent Colossuem.. Considered as Rome's greatest architecture, it was once used for gladiatorial events and now, it has become a popular concert venue!!

For those who are planning a trip to Rome soon, dont be lazy but do read the history of Rorm ahead or else you wont appreciate all the dusty and ancient buildings. =)

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