Monday, October 12, 2009

Mid Autumn Festival in Galway

I know, I really know that it's a bit late to post this up now since the Mid Autmun Festival had already past 1 weeks plus.. But I still want to write about it here.. Here we go.. It was four days before the Mid Autumn Festival when Siaw Jing text-ed me and invited me for dinner at his house to celebrate Mid Autmun Festival.. I was really thrilled since I thought that I'll be celebrating it alone this year..

On the exact day, there's Raya open house at Corrib Park and I promised I will go at about 3pm but I didn't. Hey, I didn't mean to break my words but Lim Zhi told me about the Mid Autumn Party at the College Bar and it really attracted me. Hence, in the windy afternoon, the two of us walked to the College Bar and found out that it was a PRIVATE party.. But we did get into the party and realised that it was organised by the China Society. There were lots of China people there, both old and young, eating mooncakes and chatting. Anywhere, Lim Zhi and I left after having a slice of mooncake each since we don't really know anyone there..

Anywhere, the main point of this post is about the dinner at Siaw Jing's house in Chantella. Lim Zhi and I went over with Yuen Yiing and Mei Ching. I got to know Siaw Jing's housemates; Chen Rong and Depti from Singapore. Expect the unexpected, the dinner was popiah and we wrapped them ourselves. Hey, its really a cool idea for dinner and I had two popiahs!

The highlight of the dinner was playing lanterns. We had 4 /5 lanterns and we lighted them outside the road. However, its was to chilly that we decided to get into the house after taking pictures.. XD

My frens and I with our lanterns..

It was karaoke session after that.. Cheers to Chen Rong and Siaw Jing for having a massive collection of Chinese songs which are all my favourite.. They can really sing too and I mean really good.. Tea session and mooncake sampling was on like any usual mooncake festival gathering..

Mooncakes all the way from Singapore..

Everything ended at 12am and the hosts walked us back to Corrib Park..

P/s: The moon was extremely round this year...

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